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Thursday, October 18, 2012

How to Downgrade iOS 6 to iOS 5.1.1 on all A4 iOS Devices

First off is you MUST have 5.1.1 SHSH blobs saved if not this will not work.Although if you have jailbroken the same device you are doing this with in iOS 5.1.1 you can use those SHSH blobs.

Step1: It is always a good idea to backup your device before downgrading or jailbreaking. You can either backup using iCloud or iTunes although I recommend iTunes.

Step2: This step is just the downloads you will need.
redsn0w 0.9.14b2 for Windows/Mac
iOS 5.1.1 Firmware

Step3: Plug your device into your computer using your Apple USB charger.Then enter it into DFU mode.

Step4: Open redsn0w go to Extras>SHSH Blobs.

Step5: Next you select Stitch>IPSW then select the 5.1.1 firmware you downloaded earlier.

Step6: Next you find your blobs if they are saved on your computer then click local and find them. But if they are saved on Cydia then chose Cydia. that means if you have jailbroken the same device that you are downgrading then you can find them on Cydia.

Step7:  Now you device in Pwned DFU so in order to do that go to redsn0ws main page then make your way to Extras>Pwned DFU.

Step8: Now you need to edit your Hosts file.
Windows users navigate to My Computer>Windows>System 32>drivers>etc>Hosts

Mac users just open up ect
then open up the file in a text viewer now go to the bottom line and enter in 
now save it to its original file

Step8: Now your device should still be connected so open iTunes and select the device from the left side.
Windows users need to hold Shift then click restore and Mac uses should press left Alt+ restore then you should be able to select a file to restore to, but you obviously should choose the custom IPSW that reds0w made for you. If iTunes gives you an error its ok the firmware should be sucsefully loaded on your device so just open redsn0w up again and go to Extras>Recovery Fix.If you have no error then good for you and your done.Once done you can jailbreak using Reds0w or Absinthe 2.0. I recommend Redsn0w tho it has been my favorite since i started.Once done remove what you added to the hosts file.

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